The Prayer of Salvation
Below is the Prayer of Salvation. If you are ready to make Jesus Lord of your life and accept the gift of eternal life that he freely gives, please pray the prayer below. More important than your words is where your heart is. If you have tried living life your way and are ready to surrender to a life lived the Lord's way, pray this prayer sincerely and earnestly from your heart. Now is the time - this is the day!

Salvation Prayer
Pray this prayer out loud & from your heart and believe. Make Jesus the Lord of everything.
Father God, I ask you to forgive me, a sinner of all of my sins. I'm sorry for my sins, and I turn from my sins and look to you. From this day forward, I believe and accept that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and God arose Him three days later from the tomb, thereby paying the price for my sins so that I can have victory over sin & death, and have a relationship with You. Please take away all unforgiveness in my heart so that there will be nothing standing in the way of You forgiving me. Make my heart new and whole. I receive your Son, Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Savior. I choose to make Jesus the Lord of everything in my life from this day forward, and I declare that Jesus is Lord. Thank you, Father, for saving my soul today and calling me your own. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

If you said the prayer and have placed your faith in Jesus Christ - Your name is now written in the Lambs Book of Life! You are born again. (See Revelation 21:27) Write down today's date in your Bible! And remember, you are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. No good work can earn your right to enter heaven. Your sins have been forgiven. Walk in His peace and keep in step in His ways. Learn all there is to know about Him and welcome to the Family of God!
Please email us and let us know that you have said the salvation prayer so that we may rejoice with you!